Privacy Policy

This privacy policy details what information Apple Blossom Fabrics collects, why it is collected & retained, how we protect personal data and your rights as set out in The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Your Information

When placing an order with Apple Blossom Fabrics we collect the following data that customers provide us with in order to fulfil an order:

  • Name
  • Postal Address
  • Email Address
  • Telephone Number

When signing up to our newsletter, which is administered through a third party, Mailchimp, we only collect the subscriber’s name and email address.

Please note that customers are never automatically signed up to our email newsletter, you can only sign up by either contacting us with your consent or via our website sign up form.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

We never use or share any customers’ personal data with third parties for marketing purposes only in order to fulfil orders, e.g. delivery details with Royal Mail.

We will only share information with third parties if it is  required by law at which point any party’s concerned will be contacted for permission.

Data Retention and Protection

Personal data is retained only for as long as necessary to fulfil orders and adequately resolve any queries.  However we are also required to retain this information to comply with legal and regulatory obligations such as financial and tax purposes.  Information required for tax and legal requirements are held for 7 years as a requirement by law.

At Apple Blossom Fabrics we take every precaution to protect & safeguard all personal information.  The personal data that we store from customers orders or enquiries are held on a secure password protected computer and any hard copies are held securely in locked storage.

Your Rights

If you reside in certain territories, including the EU, you have a number of rights in relation to your personal data, these include:

  • Access: you have the right to request access and receive a copy of any personal information that is held about you
  • Rectification, restriction, deletion: you have the right to request that any information held about you to be changed, rectified or deleted.
  • Object: you have the right to object to receive marketing messages from us, i.e. our email newsletter, even after providing your expressed consent to receive them.


Further Information

Please note this privacy policy does not apply to the practices of third parties that we do not own or control such as eBay, Paypal, Facebook, Create, Royal Mail or Mailchimp.  Please find links below to the aforementioned third parties’ own privacy policies:


If you have any questions regarding your personal data or our privacy policy please contact us.